Module System

Module System

Create custom data entry forms and display this content on website pages

by REC+

What This Does

The Module system allows administrators to set up custom data entry forms to enter structured content and then style and display it on web pages, with tagging and filtering available. This robust method avoids trying to lay out structured content via the standard text editor with embedded HTML to get the styling right, making it prone to being broken when regular users try to make text edits. This way, users can simply change the data in the structured data record instead.

Charges & Installation


This is made available to REC+ users for free under our normal terms and conditions.

Set Up

Follow the instructions in the freshdesk article to set up your custom data entry and display.
This will often be chargeable work via your web developer.


Training on the Module system is chargeable at £180+VAT for up to 2 hours. 

Ongoing REC+ Support & Maintenance Charges

Maintenance of the Module software is included within the monthly subscription charge.
The custom work created using the Module system is not supported free of charge as it is custom work. 

Freshdesk Documentation

Click here to go to the article on Freshdesk

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