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New in REC+: Variation Prices, Personal-looking Email Tasks, GA4 Consent Mode and more.


Variation prices v2
By default, variations prices are the sum of the product price + option prices however this new features allows you to simplify this and instead have each variation set it's own price directly.
Admin > Site Settings > Ecommerce > Variations & Sage > Use Variation Prices, you can also preview this mode without affecting the live site however setting this up on a clone of your site may be preferable. You can migrate to this using the Products & Variations export, or use the Price Columns export. Contact us for assistance.
3488, 3492

Send personal-looking automated emails from account managers
Make automated emails to customers appear as personal emails from your account managers. Great personal touch for increasing open rates.
Use the from_name and from_email template tags in the template where needed for supporting multiple account managers from a single template.
Email tasks > add/edit > Override "from" details.
We've also added BCC support & ability to BCC account managers on emails being sent to their customers so they know what's going on e.g. dropping out of a VIP Club.
3519, 3526

GA4 Consent Mode v2
We've updated our consent mode integration to ensure we share if the user has accepted different tracking and ads based storage and personalisation permissions so that Google can respect the visitor's choice. This is to bring the cookie policy, GA4 & Ads integration up to speed with the latest rules and best practice.
Enable via Admin > Connect > SEO > GA4 > Enable Consent Mode

Ecommerce & Tracking

Show customers which coupons they have available
A new area has been added to show customers any coupons directly assigned to them, such as from specific deals or through loyalty. This is templateable and the name can be set in the Site Definitions.
Enable via Admin > Customize User Area > General > Show "Your Coupons"?

Price Lists email redesign
Our automated price list for Dealers feature has been redesigned to be clearer and contain more context for dealers about the price or tag changes to each product. 
The tag change detection is available via a new setting in Site Settings > Prices & VAT > Price List App > Show Product Filter Tag changes on Price List Changes email task.

Pause products in Google Shopping
Pause a product from being in Google Shopping for up to 14 days rather than remove it from the feed and have to wait for Google to bring it back. This helps keep your product in the Google Shopping index but just pause it for a short time.
Admin > Product Manager > Edit Product > Main Details > Pause Google Shopping Ads
Batch Product Processor > Pause Google Shopping Ads

Auto discontinue products can now be applied to specific variations
Under the discontinue tickbox on variations, there's a toggle to reveal a tickbox to mark it as auto discontinuing so that when it's stock runs out, that specific variation will be marked as discontinued.

RRS Manual overrides
Use RRS Overrid to force a product to be a specific RRS group rather than have it automatically set.
Available in Add/Edit Product > RRS Override

Variations version of the Google product feed.
The existing product_feed.csv works with variations to show relevant variation codes etc, however rather than bringing in each variation directly, it splits out options of a product based on a setup area in admin. This means the product feed is actually built just from specific option combinations rather than being able to simply take in your variations. 
This new /product_feed_v2.csv feed fixes this and works to bring in all variations, or can still be set to only show the first of each set combination, while also supporting the new v2 variation prices.

Variation weights
The final missing piece from option combinations now available directly on variations. This requires using the v2 variation prices.
When enabled, a new weight column will appear on the variations table in admin.
The products & variations export contains a combined_weight column for the old product + sum of option weights value per variation, which you can then use to migrate over to the new variation_weight, or set this specifically per variation as needed.

Imports with missing or invalid fields should now error louder.
When importing data, the last thing you want is for it to appear to work but then find out it's not imported correctly somewhere. 
Improved imports automatically fix issues where possible and errors loudly showing you more context about the issue when it can't be fixed automatically.
Found an issue during imports? Let us know so we can improve our checks. 

Draft products tab in Product Manager
Find your draft products easier with a new top level tab option for them in the Admin > Product Manager area.

Auto discontinued product notifications can now be routed to specific admins.
Using the Admin > Email Notifications you can now have product discontinued notifications go directly to a specific product manager.

Product Filter > automatically fill out product filter blocks based on a viewed product.
If you have a lot of filter combinations, automatically populate the filters based on a product that's been viewed so that customers can easily change one dropdown and redirect to see other similar products. 
Available via Admin > Product filters app manager > Auto fill on product pages

Product Filter > per block clear/reset buttons now show
When a block has a selected value, rather than having to scroll through it or use a summary block, each block has it's own dedicated clear button to the top right for customers to be able to navigate it easier.

CMS & Admin

Email Tasks > filter by events and user groups
To help sites that have a large number of automated emails being sent for different events and groups of users, you can now filter these to quicker find which apply under different circumstances. 

REC+ terms now exposed in admin when clicking the REC+ link in the sidebar footer
Quickly view the latest signed terms for your REC+ platform directly in the admin area.
3501, 3503

Optional additional fields for Enhanced Conversions for Google Ads
We recently released Enhanced Conversions for Google Ads which shares a secure hash of the customers email, this new setting allows sending hashes of their first name, last name & phone number. You may need to update your terms to include this. It's shared in a one way hash for Google to compare against it's own hash of customer data sent to the site via ads. Though it doesn't expose user data directly, it increases Google's ability to profile the customer and relate the to the conversion.
Admin > Connect > Enable Additional Fields for Enhanced Conversions for Google Ads


Obfuscated email links / Site Update Banners
Template filters are now available for obfuscate_emails & auto_email_links. 
This is automatically in use for the Site Update Banners so that if you enter email addresses then they are obfuscated so they can't be scraped.

Products templates in cart/checkout can now detect the categories of products for more custom changes. 
Using product.category_id for the default category and product.categories for an array, you can make changes to the display of these items in the cart and at checkout based on their category. 

Back in stock dates now available as template tags on new & updated order status emails
Exposed as product.back_in_stock_date, you can now use this to let customers know when your product is likely to be able to be shipped.

Performance optimisations to category pages.
Performance improvements were made to improve the loading speed of categories that contain large numbers of products and variations.

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