New in REC+: Auto Discontinue Products, Modernised admin alert emails, Google sheets integration and more.
Auto Discontinue Products
Set products to automatically discontinue when they run out of stock as part of improving your stock management.
Set this up via Admin > Edit Product > Main Details > Auto-Discontinue
Admin alert emails modernised & improved
We've redesigned all the system alerts to bring them into 2024 and emphasise important actions you need to take.
This is templateable and you can also set a custom footer logo in Admin > Logos > add a logo for "admin-email-footer".
Google Sheets integration for custom sales data reporting
Automatically sync your new order data to Google sheets allowing you to build custom reports or dashboards that are automatically updated and can be viewed on mobile and desktop devices. Contact us to find out more about this.
Ecommerce & Tracking
Filter Tag ranges
Introducing a new "range between" with from & to filters for tags, for example having a range of years
Admin > Product Filters App Manager > Blocks with a type of filter tag group now have a Display type option appear for Range between, similar to Autotrader's car year style.
Product Filter short description search & field name defines.
You can now change the following product field names for: product name, code, GTIN, short description and full description.
Additionally you can use the short description and GTIN directly in product filter as a dedicated field, for example if you have 2 different codes for a product and want to allow visitors to search on them in the product filter.
Admin > Product Filters App Manager > new text search options for search areas: short desc & gtin
Top Products speed improvements
We've optimised this report to run much faster, allowing you to access and evaluate this data more quickly.
Sales targets improvements in the customer hub
New template tags are available in the customer hub for year & month totals.
Product template tag
New tag added to detect if backorders are enabled on the site: product.allow_back_orders.
Minor design improvements to the rating icons on forms.
Further security & spam bot blocking improvements
Additional improvements as part of our constant work to ensure the security and availability of your sites as a top priority.
Security.txt improvements to bring this up to the latest standard.
This provides 3rd party security researchers a simple way to contact us if they have any security improvements to offer.
Please remember we run multi-layered security scanning and vulnerability testing as standard.