New in REC+: Page Slice Improvements, GA4 Ads & Social Tracking Plus More Magento Data Integration


Our Magento integration now pulls in categories, manufacturers, orders & customers.
New admin areas are now also available for Magento Integration & Magento Order States to help manage the integration and update sync'ing between a Magento instance and REC+
Sites not previously using REC+ for ecommerce can now pull in their products 
3297, 3308

Page Slices Mobile Styles
We've re-designed the way you manage many of the style/design settings with additional support for changing some styles between how they look on Desktop vs Mobile, such as different paddings and text alignments. 

Ecommerce & Tracking

Google Ads Enhanced Conversions
Enabling this will send users sha256 hashed emails to Google to help associate their conversions in Google Ads. 
We match users emails by either their logged in user email or emails entered on any forms on the site.
Admin > Connect > SEO > GA4 > Enable Enhanced Conversions for Google Ads

GA4 JS conversions
Enabling this improves how conversions are associated with sessions in Google Analytics GA4. The aim here is to minimise 'unassigned' traffic which can happen for multiple reasons but a big reason can be a disassociation between the session in GA from the JS / front end and conversions sent on the backend vs JS / front end side. 
Admin > Connect > SEO > GA4 > Enable JS Conversions for Google Analytics?

Improved social visitor tracking support for instagram, tiktok, and more. 
Previously we showed social tracking for orders/forms only from Facebook or Twitter, with others being tracked and shows as a referral. 
We've re-worked this so we track many different types of social referrals into a top level Social traffic medium.  In Order Manager you can still see the exact social source either by hovering over the Social icon in the traffic column when listing Orders, or in the Traffic Source box on the actual order itself (very bottom box in the right hand column)

RRS template tags for the front end products
You can now add Runner Repeater Strangers (RRS) template tags to the product_info.html.twig & order_confirmation.html.twig template files, using this you can render different messages about products on the product page such as their manufacturing lead time based on their RRS group.

CMS & Admin

Hover tile effects for Flip vs Fade
New flip effect available on the hover-tile slice, a nice alternative to the default fade effect when building designs with Page Slices.

Responsive admin dashboard improvements
The admin dashboard screen now flows onto smaller mobile screens better for quickly checking on stats and using the Site Banner Update area for updates on your phone for example.


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