New in REC+: September - Product Reporting Types, Added Flexibility For Coupons & more


Product Reporting Types
This offers a way to categorise products for different ways to report on product revenues, for example rather than just reporting category revenues, you could report on product usage where products could sit across different categories. Reports including Top Products & Order Info reports in Report Builder can filter their data based on specific reporting types. Read in full.
Admin > Reporting Types
Admin > Product Manager > new filter for reporting types
Admin > Reports > Top products > new filter for reporting types
Admin > Reports > Order Info Reports & Report Builder > new filter for reporting types & new report for product sales by reporting types

Qualify for coupons when products need to exist in different categories &/or manufacturers on coupons. 
Multi-select allows you to give a discount for each of the products in the basket which match to each of the multi-selections made.
For example, if you multi-selected category A and category B, you would need to have a product in the basket in category A and another product which is in category B to trigger the discount. If you added another product in the basket which was not in either category A or B then that product would not receive the discount whereas the first two would.
Use case example:
If you buy a jacket from the Coats category and a hat from the Headgear category then you receive a 10% discount off each product. If you also bought some wool gloves from the Glove category then they would not receive a discount.
Available via the existing product, category and manufacturer filters in Admin > Assign Coupons 

CMS & Design

For sites using the beta version of page slices for building pages, we've added 4 new slice types:
1. Main body app (lets you pick and pull in any main body app in place of a slice)
2. Sidebar app (as above but for sidebar apps)
3. Image grid (a repeatable image list but in a defined grid either going down as columns or across as rows)
4 Embed code (a raw html field where you could add any html such as a script or iframe)

Quickly find pinned comments round the system via Admin Comments.
Admin > All Site Comments & Audits > new filters to hide audits & only show pinned comments

Country personalisation filters can now be used to show content when a country does or doesn't match. 
This reverse logic enables easier setup, for example you can set a rule for the rest of the world by setting that it's not your country.

Ecommerce & Reporting

Per group delivery adapters to zones
Allowing you to use different delivery systems between different areas of the world, such as using our built in system for international orders but a 3rd party such as Postmen or ShipyPro for UK deliveries.
Via edit user group > new "Delivery Zone Adapters" section with dropdowns of adapters per zone.

Multiple youtube videos on products.
You can now set up to 3 youtube videos against a product to help advertise the product and show a mix of promotional and instructional videos directly via the product page. 
Add/edit product > new field under the existing youtube video for 2nd and 3rd URLs.
Same on batch product processor, csv exports and available via the front end template tags using the new product.youtube_url_2, product.youtube_iframe_2, product.youtube_url_3 and product.youtube_iframe_3 tags, see responsive-base's product_info.html.twig for example usage.

Discontinued product sorting changes
You can set discontinued products to be shown at the end of product lists so live/available products are shown to customers first without you needing to rearrange them in product manager manually.
Admin > Site Settings > Ecommerce > Products > Sorting discontinued products to the end of product listings

Picking lists now show option details
Option names & values are now also added to products listed on picking lists to help ensure the correct version/colour is picked for an order.

Product PDF improvements for chapter handling.
We've improved how multiple pages of products inside chapters generate such as keeping table headings and repeating titles to show which chapter you're viewing.
Contact us to find out more about our PDF product listings feature.

Additional Product PDF improvements have been made to allow you to set the sort method, and further template improvements to improve style and flexibility while listing chapters. 

Buying rules can now be filtered by User Smart Type
This lets you can you setup buying rules that only apply to retail or dealer groups on your site.

Order Manager unpaid order improvements
You can now manually set if an order is unpaid or not via the order screen, this was previously only available via a payment processor marking it as paid or unpaid when processing the order but this resolves that flow for telephone orders where the customer had an order at checkout previously. 

Custom API templates can now be cached. 
This is especially useful for custom apps for filtering products on a single page, you can cache the data for a few minutes or hours if it doesn't change frequently, saving users time on reloads or on high traffic pages.
In the templates api() calls designers can now add "cache=true, cacheSeconds=10" and modify as needed.

Reports for order csv lines now shows category
Useful for checking the performance of specific categories via a spreadsheet.

Product export/imports assembly details
We've added the assembly bin location and assembly instructions product fields the products export and import to help you se these on mass.


Multi store > You can now restrict how to sync categories on products
By default we send all 5 category relations on products through multi store, however with this setting we'll only send the first/default category, ignoring the 2-5 category relationships. Allowing multi store sites to have different categories while maintaining the same default category.
Admin > Multi Store > add/edit > Only send default category?


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